Saturday, July 17, 2004


I came across an old issue of "O" buried in a stack of other magazines.  It was a 'creativity' issue and I flipped through it again.  There's an article called "A Poem of One's Own" by Honor Moore.  In it she offers '12 Ways to Write a Poem'...
  1. Make a list of five things you did today, in the order of doing them.
  2. Quickly write down three colors.
  3. Write down a dream.  If you can't remember one, make it up.
  4. Take 15 minutes to write an early childhood memory, using language a child would use.
  5. Write a forbidden thought, to someone who would understand.
  6. Write a forbidden thought, to someone who would not.
  7. Make a list of five of your favorite "transitional objects."  Choose one and describe it in detail.
  8. Write down three questions you'd ask if they were the last questions you could ever ask.
  9. Write down an aphorism (e.g., A stitch in time saves nine.)
  10. Write down three slant rhymes, pairs of words that share one or two consonants rather than vowels (moon/mine and long/thing are slant rhymes).
  11. Write three things people have said to you in the past 48 hours.  Quote them as closely as you can.
  12. Write the last extreme pain you had, emotional or physical.  If the pain were an animal, what animal would it be?  Describe the animal.
Then she offers suggestions on how to use them...
  • Use one of the questions as the first line, each of the colors more than once, the slant rhymes, and the aphorism with a word or two changed.
  • A line from your dream might work well or your description of the animal might better describe your great uncle.
  • Let the poem be between 20 and 30 lines; let each line be 10 or more syllables long.
  • Think of the poem as a dream or psalm you are inventing, and don't force it.
  • Write in your own speech, allowing its music and sense to speak through you.


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